Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Secret of "Krispy Kreme"

Why on earth did I talk about “Krispy Kreme” last time?

Well, this is the story.

While waiting for the movie to roll, Guia Gonzales, Direk Dante, and even Jourdan Sebastian tried to entertain us and appease our seemingly ruffled feathers. There had been a delay in the showing of the movie, because transporting the film hit a snag. I am not really clear what happened, but all I know was that I was sitting there wondering why on earth Direk Dante was jittery, and they all were just talking and talking and the movie screen was colored BLUE.

So I was just sitting there, just trying to ignore how the microphone was so loud to my ears, and how I was longing to see the movie already, and then...

Someone in the team had the insight and generosity to buy boxes of sugarcoated Krispy Kreme (The kind I love best! Better than the cheesecake variant even!) and passed it around.

I truly appreciate Direk Dante and Executive Producer Guia Gonzales for trying to keep our attention occupied. I truly appreciate God for keeping me peaceful enough so as not to grumble to the point of particularly loud snide, because by the end of their efforts to keep us from throwing tomatoes, some people were so rude as to say something very curt that everyone heard. I just didn’t understand what it was.

I have to admit that there were moments that I had complained “tama na ina!” which is Ilonggo for “enough of it already.” I just hope that none of the prod team heard me. Well, they know now. After the movie, and after getting home to realizing that my eyeballs still hurt from crying, I feel chastised that I could even think to say that.

I am amazed at how the core group: Guia, Direk Dante, Jourdan, and even BJ were so eager to keep us “calm” and entertained. I am amazed that, upon meeting Guia, and blabbering how I bawled and how I finally understood why they were experiencing such setbacks, she had hugged me when I asked her if I could wangle a hug out of her. :p

It was her birthday, by the way! Happy birthday Guia!

I was amazed that Guia had even heard me sniffling through the scenes.

I was amazed that they all were humble enough to talk to me, a nobody in their world.

I was amazed that sometime that afternoon, I had been planning to buy Krispy Kreme, but decided against passing by Megamall on my way to The Podium, because I thought I was running late, and in the end got... Not one, but TWO Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

I was amazed that I was handed a press kit of Ploning.

But best of all...

I was amazed that God has taken care of His people to the point that despite how important this movie may be, BJ, Guia, and Jourdan were all gracious enough to interact with me. :)

I am just amazed at how they all are humble. And I pray that God would just let them stay in the spirit of humility all throughout their days, even as more “crazy dreams” get birthed from within them.

And just as a birthday gift to Guia, it’s not that you are not so good at prioritizing the Kingdom of God. THIS MOVIE, is a great victory for Jesus, and soon, those whose hearts will be opened will testify to that.

I believe that this movie indeed has the hand of God upon it. And as I bit into my second Krispy Kreme just relishing and marveling at that moment in my life, I knew the angels were agreeing with how I’m rejoicing. :)

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