Saturday, April 26, 2008

Ploning the Movie: The Aftershocks

It seemed to me that this week was a week of silence for me, regarding Ploning the Movie. Much like a calm before a storm, to me, this week was just a week of coasting regarding blogging about the movie here. I didn't know what else to write on, I thought that whatever I would say would be useless, as premiere night was just days away anyway. So I chose to just coast. Let everyone else be busy, I shall wait till I see the movie till I have my say.

Though there were things that we planned to do, but as people’s schedules were just crazy, I was content to wait for tonight. The night that I would finally behold the movie I was speculating so intently about.

And you know what?

For everything I had gone through behind the scenes of this movie, for everything that led up to the moment that I watched even the final credits roll, all those were well worth my so-called troubles.

On the day that I had written a word of encouragement for the Ploning cast and crew, half-praying what I wrote, I knew that this film was significant to God, that’s why mountains were placed at its path. Tonight, as I bawled my way through the last scenes... I finally understood why.

It was not just the hauntingly beautiful acting of Juday. It was not her serenity. It was not her radiant face. Not her eyes that communicated even through the mere lowering of the eyelids.

It was not even Gina Pareño’s tour de force scene to end all scenes that paralleled “Walang Himala” of Nora Aunor that would have you praising God for creating minds like Direk Dante Nico Garcia’s, BJ Lingan’s, Jourdan Sebastian’s, or Guia Gonzales’. Or even creating an actress like Ms. Gina Pareño.

It’s a quiet scene that had me bawling through to the end.

Hint: It involves a red blouse on Ploning, and a white dress that she once wore.

As I watched that scene, I cannot help but feel like her. I cannot help but feel like I had shortchanged myself all those years, by doing as she did, all through the movie...

What did she do? Why did I feel like her?

I know that all of us would realize that we are much like her, too.

But I’ll wait till it shows nationwide till I give away the full annotations of the symbolisms and even the Cliff’s Notes of Ploning the Movie.

But I'll have mercy and I'll give another hint: It involves her father's faithful and devoted washing of a white dress that she once wore, and his wish to have her wear it at his death.

Why had I bawled?

Sigh. I shall have to wait till a significant number of yous watch the film and we discuss what it's all about. The comments are now open for lively discussion, for those who had attended the press premiere. :p When it premieres in theaters nationwide on the 30th, y'allz can post comments here and I'll try to keep up with yous. :p

...And even if I gave that factoid away, I will never do justice to the movie with my feeble attempts at capturing it verbally, because a written synopsis would never do justice to a movie with the glory of Ploning. It was magical to see Cuyo in such vibrance. There are some digitally-manipulated scenes that were a wonder to watch. Meryll Soriano, Mylene Dizon, Ces Quesada, Eugene Domingo, Tessie Tomas, even Ketchup Eusebio and Boodge Fernandez were all amazing too. Even if a writer wrote everything that happened in the movie, it will never be the same as watching "Ploning" unfold before you.

And yet, through the glory of the sceneries, through the amazing performances of the cast, and even though Ms. Gina has her "big moment," truly, the star of this film is Juday.

You will be amazed at her subtlety, her finesse, her... Entrancing gentleness.

Indeed, Juday has grown up. After watching the film, I would love to meet her more than ever. And yet, I am content that even for an hour and a half or so, I had beheld her, encapsulated in a memorial that truly brings glory to God, in more ways than one.

To watch out for:

Ketchup Eusebio’s hilarious performance
Boodge Fernandez’s washboard abs
Cedric Amit’s endearing acting as Digo
Philippine Cinema’s greats in cameo performances
Jourdan Sebastian, and even Direk Dante Garcia’s cameo appearances

Go, grab your honey, your hubby, or your wifey, your best friend, your mom, your tita, your ninang, grab a Krispy Kreme *wink*, and you’ll see what I mean. :p


bailramos said...

i already watched the movie, and indeed as i went out of the movie house i kept thinking to myself what it is about the movie that moved me deeply. even at home i'm still thinking of the scenes, vividly re enacting them in my mind. the movie is truly amazing, one that touches your heart. i can't even answer my mother when asked if it was a good movie, cuz i'm still affected by it.

i agree with you that the scene of ploning's father washing her white dress is very touching. and yes tyour comparison of the red shirt she's wearing on that scene and her white dress. can't wait to see your additional views on that....

Nenyalorien | Lorie said...

Bail, I promised scriptwriter BJ Lingan to release my critical review of it on the last week of May na... So I hope you watch out for it!

Keep coming back! :)

Anonymous said...

Dear All,
I just arrived in our home after watching the movie, Ploning. It was a great movie I've seen for a long, long time. I'm a man but tears kept rolling from my cheeks. Couldn't help it. I was so touched when little by little the story were unfolding in front of me. I love the twists of the story. I love the acting of all the actors and actresses. I am not a fan of Juday but her acting strikes me so much, esp when he danced with her father. The little boy, Digo and the big man, Muo Sei, were just superb. The underwater scene was tearing my heart apart. The brother of Digo was great. Gina Pareno's performance was unforgettable and forceful. Really, all of the casts were very good. I am not very familiar with new faces in Filipino cinema, but this one, every moment, every second, every minute they were shown on screen, have significant contributions in coming up with with very good movie. Congratulations!!! May we have more of this kind. It reminds me of Experimental cinema of the Phil....

Banny (