Saturday, March 22, 2008

The Philippines + Juday = 2 "Negatives" = A Positive [thing]?

Please excuse my mondo geekiness. I... Remembered Algebra too acutely because it was horrific.

Moving on, I would first like to say that I meant no offense to Ms. Santos at all. But I do know that because she was positioned for the masa market in the Philippines, a lot of the feeling-intellectuals like me (but that was then, believe me, I am so jologs now. :p), didn't really think too highly of her.

And the Philippines. I love my country so intensely, though I do not take part in rallies or oust-whomever movements; but a lot of people tend to think that we are nothing but a bunch of squatters, rallyists and foul-smelling Al-Qaeda affiliates. Some may even think we still wear grass skirts and eat... Grass?

Ehe. Nevermind.

But the point is, Ploning the Movie just might prove to be similar to the "equation"..

You see, I know that Juday is such a great actress that I am actually looking forward to really getting ahold of a copy of a trailer that is more comprehensive than the flash movie on that link. Better yet, I am looking forward to watching the movie because I missed all of her best movies because I'd rather buy music, books, and burn money in internet cafes than watch movies in high school and college, and I am looking forward to really watching scenes shot in a part of the Philippines that is yet unspoiled.

Yes, those images on the flash teaser are for real. Those exist on earth.

Actually, the setting, Cuyo Islands, is part of the group of islands in the Philippines that is just so gorgeous that the Aman Resorts, known for putting up some of the most luxurious (and private) of beach resorts in the world, had bought an entire island in that area, and made it into this paradise on earth... With an equally hefty price.

While promoting Amanpulo is definitely my intention here, what I am trying to say is that the Philippines is not that kind of crazy place that so many people think (blame the media). And neither is Juday the two-bit actress that people think she is.

That's why I think Ploning the Movie may well give the Philippines a degree of redemption. It may well be a "two negatives equals a positive [thing]." For me, it's not a must-see just because it's an indie film. It's not a must-see because it's a love story. It's a must-see because it's a showcase of Filipino beauty, talent, and the Philippines' splendor.

If, after you see this movie, and you leave the theater and say to yourself, "the Philippines has a fighting chance after all," and you return home and make a decision to not speak ill of your country and do more to take care of it, like segregate the garbage and pray for your country, then I think... It's all worth your hundred and fifty pesos. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Im far home, just read and heard 'bout Juday's movie. My folks said its a must see movie, so i guess ill have to wait till i got a dvd from them. Not like When Love Begins of AGAANNE, its showing in Las Vegas and perfect timing, we'll be there on the showing date for a business trip. Just wish pinoy supports our very own movie and goodluck to both of movies.....