Monday, May 5, 2008

Just to Answer A Critic, and Future Critics...

Yay! Our first rotten tomato (so far)!

Earlier, a little dazed from dehydration and the fact that I got out of bed and went straight to checking my mail, I got wind of this critical review of Ploning.

Frankly, it was little more than bashing. But as far as Philippine culture is concerned, bashing is quite commonplace, even respectable in some circles.

The thing is, I have no energies to spare for bashing the critics back, but here is what I’ll say, to defend my writing and to defend the movie I went through a lot for:

  1. This is the first attempt at a full-length movie, for Panoramanila Pictures Co., so I hope critics will keep that in mind.
  2. I did get a lot of exposure to hard-sell techniques, working for an Internet Marketing website.
  3. Juday was NOT miscast. Her innate generosity and her good heart made her perfect for the role. If you stuck Ann Curtis there, I think she’d lend a more kikay, less mature streak to the role that Ploning required. There was a reason that Direk Dante Garcia had woven this story around Juday, and when you watch the movie with an open heart and open mind, you’ll see why.

I think that it’s about time that we support each other as a people. I believe that this movie will put the Philippines on the map and dispel crazy notions of how we are a dismal den of Abu Sayyaf creatures and NPA’s. Hey, you can walk through Megamall and enjoy a Krispy Kreme on some afternoons without being bombed, right?

I had been holding back my full critical review of Ploning the movie, showcasing the positive and negative aspects of the film. It will be released on the last week of May, and I intend to keep it that way.

For the critics, thank you for your honesty. We appreciate the flaws of Ploning the Movie being pointed out, for Panoramanila Pictures Co.’s future use as artistic direction for their future projects.

But I hope that the next “critical review” would be more substantial and objective than just bashing Juday’s, Ms. Gina PareƱo’s, Ms. Tessie Tomas’, and the other actors’ performance, and just basically debunking every bubbly comment I blurted out.

And FYI, I use “Ms.” as a form of respect. I am a blogger, I do not hobnob with the stars, but I do know how to give respect where respect is due.

Maybe that’s the only thing we all need.

And the reason why I’m defending this movie with all the fight inside me?


And all I scars I went through for this movie. I know this movie is important to Someone I love. I just wish people would have enough respect as to be more objective when they criticize.

Peace, y'all.

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